Biology Quiz

Q76. In N2- fixation process, nitrite is converted to nitrate by
(A) Nitrobacter
(B) Azotobacter
(C) Nitosomonas
(D) Azospirillum

Q77. The most abundant element present in plant is
(A) nitrogen
(B) manganese
(C) carbon
(D) iron

Q78. Stomata open at night in
(A) CAM plants
(B) C3 plants
(C) C4 plants
(D) succulent plants

Q79. Rate of transpiration can be measured by
(A) Ganong's potometer
(B) auxanometer
(C) respirometer
(D) porometer

Q80. Root pressure is developed in
(A) cortex
(B) phloem
(C) xylem
(D) pith

Q81. The fossil organisms which show characters of two different groups of animals are called
(A) transitional forms
(B) missing links
(C) transitory organisms
(D) past links

Q82. Coralloid roots occur in
(A) Cycas
(B) Pinus
(C) Gnetum
(D) Ephedra

Q83. Gemma cups are found in
(A) Sphagnum
(B) Marchantia
(C) Riccia
(D) Anthoceros

Q84. Green mould is common name for
(A) Neurospora
(B) Mucor
(C) Penicillium
(D) Saccharomyces

Q85. Volvox colonies are found in
(A) freshwater ponds
(B) salt lakes
(C) seawater
(D) spring

Q86. The layer of cells between endodermis and vascular bundles is called
(A) hypodermis
(B) cortex
(C) pith
(D) pericycle

Q87. Growth rings are formed by the activity of
(A) xylem
(B) phloem
(C) cambium
(D) both phloem and xylem

Q88. The "eyes" of potato tubers are
(A) shoot buds
(B) flower buds
(C) root buds
(D) axillary buds

Q89. In pomegranate, the fruit is known as
(A) balausta
(B) pepo
(C) amphisarca
(D) hesperidium

Q90. Which of the following does not develop from tap root system
(A) Napiform root
(B) Conical root
(C) Fusiform root
(D) Moniliform root

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