Biology GK Question

Q106. The embryo with blastopore is called
(a) Morula
(b) Blastula
(c) Gastrula
(d) Tadpole

Q107. Bacteria are classified in the kingdom
(a) Animalia
(b) Fungi
(c) Monera
(d) Protista

Q108. Chlorophyll a+c are found in
(a) Rhodophyceae
(b) Phaeophyceae
(c) Chlorophyceae
(d) Cyanophyceae

Q109. Which part of human eye controls the amount of light entering the eye
(a) Pupil
(b) Iris
(c) Cornea
(d) Retina

Q110. Which one is a fresh water sponge
(a) Sycon
(b) Glass rope sponge
(c) Euspongia
(d) Spongilla

Q111. Which one is a fresh water sponge
(a) Sycon
(b) Glass rope sponge
(c) Euspongia
(d) Spongilla

Q112. Enterogastrone is secreted by
(a) Ileum
(b) Stomach
(c) Liver
(d) Duodenum

Q113. DNA fingerprinting technique was developed by
(a) Alec Jeffreys
(b) Edwin Southern
(c) Har Gobind Khorana
(d) Robert W. Holley

Q114. Foramen of panizza is found in the heart of
(a) Crocodiles
(b) Squamates
(c) Chelonia
(d) All reptiles

Q115. Amoeba proteus was discovered by
(a) Gerald Durrell
(b) William Bullock
(c) Johann Rösel von Rosenhof
(d) Paul Émile de Puydt

Q116. Who coined the term biocoenosis
(a) G Evelyn Hutchinson
(b) Charles Elton
(c) Karl Mobius
(d) Paul Émile de Puydt

Q117. The osteon or haversian system can be found in
(a) Bone
(b) Cartilage
(c) Nervous tissue
(d) Brain

Q118. How many characters were studied by Mendel in the experiments on peas
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 7

Q119. Spiders produce silken threads using
(a) Salivary glands
(b) Coxal glands
(c) Spinneret gland
(d) Parotid gland

Q120. Prokaryotes have ______S ribosomes
(a) 30
(b) 50
(c) 60
(d) 70

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