Branches of medical science
Branches of Medical Science refer to name of different studies and training under medical science. Here is the list of different branches of medical science.
Branches | Study |
Aetiology | Study of causes of diseases |
Cardiology | Dealing with disorders of the heart |
Chiropody | Treatment of the feet and their ailments |
Cytology | Deals with the formation, structure, and function of cells |
Dentistry | Study and treatment of diseases, disorders and conditions of the oral cavity |
Dietetics | Study of food affects on health |
Embryology | Scientific study of embryos |
ENT | Ear, nose, and throat |
Epidemiology | Study of infectious diseases and their causes |
Genetics | Study of genes and heredity |
Geriatrics | Study, treatment, and care of old people and their diseases |
Gerontology | Study of the aging processes and individuals |
Gynaecology | Study and treatment of women reproductive systems |
Haematology | Scientific study of blood |
Immunology | Deals with the response of an organism to antigenic challenge |
Neurology | Study of nervous system and the diseases that affect it |
Obstetrics | Deals with the care of women during and after pregnancy |
Oncology | Study and treatment of cancer |
Orthopaedics | Deals with injuries and diseases of body's musculoskeletal system |
Paediatrics | Medical science that deals with children and the treatment of their illnesses |
Pathology | Study and diagnosis of disease |
Pharmacology | Scientific study of medicines and drugs used for treating medical conditions |
Radiology | Medical treatment in which radiation is used for treating an illness |
Rheumatology | Diagnosis and therapy that deals with rheumatism |
Urology | Study of diseases of the urinary system |
Virology | Treatment and study of illnesses caused by viruses |
Ophthalmology | Deals with the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye |
Otolaryngology | Diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the head and neck |
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