General Science Question Answer

Q16. The another name of Vitamin D is
(a) Niacin
(b) Pyridoxine
(c) Ergosterol
(d) Calciferol

Q17. The amalgam used in filling teeth is
(a) Cu-Hg
(b) Fe-Hg
(c) Na-Hg
(d) Zn-Hg

Q18. Which one of the following is known as "Shooting Stars"
(a) Comets
(b) Meteors
(c) Stars
(d) Pole star

Q19. In which of the following states, India's first AYUSH University will be set up
(a) Meghalaya
(b) Punjab
(c) Haryana
(d) Himachal

Q20. Which of the following is not a solid palnet
(a) Mercury
(b) Venus
(c) Earth
(d) Jupiter

Q21. A persistent anticyclonic storm known as the Great Red Spot, is found on which planet
(a) Saturn
(b) Mercury
(c) Jupiter
(d) Neptune

Q22. The process of improving human race genetically is called
(a) Euthenics
(b) Eugenics
(c) Euphenics
(d) All of these

Q23. Which one is a Piezoelectric crystal
(a) Quartz
(b) Diamond
(c) Silicon
(d) Sodium chloride

Q24. The colour light emitted by LED depends on
(a) its reverse bias
(b) its forward bias
(c) the amount of forward current
(d) type of semiconductor material

Q25. Which number is also known as Ramanujan Number
(a) 1729
(b) 1785
(c) 1832
(d) 1899

Q26. The four Planets of the inner circle is
(a) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Mars
(b) Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
(c) Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Mars
(d) Mercury, Venus, Earth and Jupiter

Q27. The metal related to 'Alzheimer's disease' is
(a) Chromium
(b) Cadmium
(c) Aluminium
(d) Arsenic

Q28. When a capillary tube of silver metal is kept vertical in a beaker filled with water, the meniscus of water surface in tube is
(a) Horizontal
(b) Convex
(c) Concave
(d) Biconcave

Q29. When a capillary tube of silver metal is kept vertical in a beaker filled with water, the meniscus of water surface in tube is
(a) Bio-Diesel
(b) Coal gas
(c) Nature gas
(d) White gas

Q30. In controlling water pollution by Industrial wastes, which weed is found useful
(a) Elephant Grass
(b) Water Hyacinth
(c) Congress Grass
(d) Ranunculus

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