Geography Quiz

Q16. Who had propounded the dynamical theory of origin of Ocean tides
(a) Harris
(b) Airy
(c) Whewell
(d) Laplace

Q17. Who brought the concept of "cycle of erosion"
(a) W Penck
(b) L C King
(c) A Wood
(d) W M Davis

Q18. The erosional feature is
(a) Gorge
(b) Erratic Block
(c) Loess
(d) Hook

Q19. Radical approach to Geography is a reaction against
(a) Traditional Geography
(b) Regional Geography
(c) Quantitative Geography
(d) Welfare Geography

Q20. "The Nature of Geography" is the book written by
(a) Griffith Taylor
(b) Emanuel kant
(c) Richard Hartshome
(d) David Harvey

Q21. In a climatic graph, temperature is represented by
(a) A line graph
(b) A semi-long graph
(c) Simple bars
(d) Pie graph

Q22. The study of cultural land scape in geography was contributed by
(a) C Darwin
(b) R Hart Shorne
(c) C Sauer
(d) H Barrow

Q23. Who advocated the concept of environmental determinism
(a) Immanuel Kant
(b) Vidal de Lablache
(c) Friedrich Ratzel
(d) Eratosthenes

Q24. Compound Pyramid diagram is a
(a) Cartogram
(b) One dimensional diagram
(c) Two dimensional diagram
(d) Three dimensional diagram

Q25. The name related to Paleo-magnetism is
(a) J A Steers
(b) Harry Hess
(c) Valentine and Moors
(d) Dietz and Holden

Q26. The earliest known map was made by
(a) Sumerians
(b) Eratosthenes
(c) Ptolemy
(d) Aristotle

Q27. The Hydrological action is associated with
(a) Physical weathering
(b) Chemical weathering
(c) Biological weathering
(d) Anthropogenic weathering

Q28. The plateaus which are partly or fully surounded by mountains are known as
(a) Piedmont plateaus
(b) Continental plateaus
(c) Structural plateaus
(d) Intermontane plateaus

Q29. The plaleaus which are rise abruptly from the lowlands or from the sea is known as
(a) Piedmont plateaus
(b) Continental plateaus
(c) Structural plateaus
(d) Indian plateaus

Q30. The movement of water away from the shore as tide falls is named as
(a) Minus tide
(b) Flood tide
(c) Ebb tide
(d) Low tide

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