Geology Question Answer
Q1. Who is known as the Father of modern Geology
(A) Abraham Gottlob Werner
(B) James Hutton
(C) Florence Bascom
(D) William Smith
Answer: (B) James Hutton
Q2. When the first Geological map of Great Britain by William Smith was published
(A) 1807
(B) 1812
(C) 1815
(D) 1821
Answer: (C) 1815
Q3. The scientific study of landforms, their processes, form and sediments at the surface of the Earth is known as
(A) Geomorphology
(B) Geomythology
(C) Geophysics
(D) Glaciology
Answer: (A) Geomorphology
Q4. The term "Isostasy" was first proposed by
(A) Sir George Airy
(B) Clarence Dutton
(C) R. A. Daly
(D) Archdeacon Pratt
Answer: (B) Clarence Dutton
Q5. Volcanoes are more numerous around which oceans
(A) Indian
(B) Atlantic
(C) Arctic
(D) Pacific
Answer: (D) Pacific
Q6. Which one of the common mineral is present in granite
(A) Calcite
(B) Calcite
(C) Dolomite
(D) Haematite
Answer: (A) Calcite
Q7. Which of the following is formed by glacial erosion
(A) Yardang
(B) Potholes
(C) Arête
(D) Cuesta
Answer: (C) Arête
Q8. Phonolite is a volcanic equivalent of
(A) Basalt
(B) Granite
(C) Nepheline-Syenite
(D) Diorite
Answer: (C) Nepheline-Syenite
Q9. Gibbsite is ore of
(A) Iron
(B) Aluminium
(C) Manganese
(D) Lead
Answer: (B) Aluminium
Q10. Beryl is commercially known as
(A) Emerald
(B) Ruby
(C) Peridot
(D) Moonstone
Answer: (A) Emerald
Q11. Quartz exhibits ___________ fracture
(A) Hackly
(B) Uneven
(C) Even
(D) Conchoidal
Answer: (D) Conchoidal
Q12. Aquamarine is a gem variety of
(A) Tourmaline
(B) Kyanite
(C) Beryl
(D) Topaz
Answer: (C) Beryl
Q13. Shells with ammonite suture appear first in
(A) Permian
(B) Devonian
(C) Cretaceous
(D) None of these
Answer: (B) Devonian
Q14. Schulze's solution is used to separate microfossils from
(A) Shale
(B) Chert
(C) Coal
(D) None of these
Answer: (C) Coal
Q15. Two-fold classification of Gondwana was proposed by
(A) C. S. Fox
(B) Pascoe
(C) Meddicott
(D) Feistmantle
Answer: (A) C. S. Fox
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