Geology Question Answer

Q1. Who is known as the Father of modern Geology
(A) Abraham Gottlob Werner
(B) James Hutton
(C) Florence Bascom
(D) William Smith

Q2. When the first Geological map of Great Britain by William Smith was published
(A) 1807
(B) 1812
(C) 1815
(D) 1821

Q3. The scientific study of landforms, their processes, form and sediments at the surface of the Earth is known as
(A) Geomorphology
(B) Geomythology
(C) Geophysics
(D) Glaciology

Q4. The term "Isostasy" was first proposed by
(A) Sir George Airy
(B) Clarence Dutton
(C) R. A. Daly
(D) Archdeacon Pratt

Q5. Volcanoes are more numerous around which oceans
(A) Indian
(B) Atlantic
(C) Arctic
(D) Pacific

Q6. Which one of the common mineral is present in granite
(A) Calcite
(B) Calcite
(C) Dolomite
(D) Haematite

Q7. Which of the following is formed by glacial erosion
(A) Yardang
(B) Potholes
(C) Arête
(D) Cuesta

Q8. Phonolite is a volcanic equivalent of
(A) Basalt
(B) Granite
(C) Nepheline-Syenite
(D) Diorite

Q9. Gibbsite is ore of
(A) Iron
(B) Aluminium
(C) Manganese
(D) Lead

Q10. Beryl is commercially known as
(A) Emerald
(B) Ruby
(C) Peridot
(D) Moonstone

Q11. Quartz exhibits ___________ fracture
(A) Hackly
(B) Uneven
(C) Even
(D) Conchoidal

Q12. Aquamarine is a gem variety of
(A) Tourmaline
(B) Kyanite
(C) Beryl
(D) Topaz

Q13. Shells with ammonite suture appear first in
(A) Permian
(B) Devonian
(C) Cretaceous
(D) None of these

Q14. Schulze's solution is used to separate microfossils from
(A) Shale
(B) Chert
(C) Coal
(D) None of these

Q15. Two-fold classification of Gondwana was proposed by
(A) C. S. Fox
(B) Pascoe
(C) Meddicott
(D) Feistmantle

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