Online Question - Indian History
Q121. Who deciphered Devampriya Ashoka in Maski record
(a) James Prince
(b) John Marshal
(c) Ranade
(d) Robert Bruce
Answer: (a) James Prince
Q122. Which is the birth place of Mahavira
(a) Kaladi
(b) Kundagrama
(c) Lumbini
(d) Kunrattur
Answer: (b) Kundagrama
Q123. Who presided the meeting of the Jain Council at Pataliputra
(a) Nagarjuna
(b) Bhadrabahu
(c) Ashoka
(d) Sthulabhadra
Answer: (d) Sthulabhadra
Q124. Who among the following emperors issued the Ashvamedha coins in India
(a) Ashoka
(b) Chandragupta
(c) Kanishka
(d) Samudragupta
Answer: (d) Samudragupta
Q125. Introduction of Vernacular Press Act by Lord Lytton was nick named as
(a) The Gambling Act
(b) The Grudging Act
(c) The Gagging Act
(d) The Giggling Act
Answer: (c) The Gagging Act
Q126. By whom Devadasi system was abolished in 1925
(a) Lord Reading
(b) Lord Canning
(c) Lord Ramsay
(d) William Bentinck
Answer: (a) Lord Reading
Q127. "I have sold my kingdom to my beloved queen for a cup of wine and a dish of soup" who remarked this
(a) Humayun
(b) Bahadur Shah I
(c) Jahangir
(d) Shahjahan
Answer: (c) Jahangir
Q128. In which congress session moderates accepted the resolution on Swaraj
(a) Calcutta Session - 1906
(b) Surat Session - 1907
(c) Madras Session - 1908
(d) Lucknow Session - 1917
Answer: (a) Calcutta Session - 1906
Q129. Who was the incharge of Mughal troops, which invaded Poona fort of Shivaji in 1660
(a) Afzal Khan
(b) Shaista Khan
(c) Shah Shuja
(d) Murad Bakhsh
Answer: (b) Shaista Khan
Q130. Who was the Russian traveller visited in Bahmini dominions
(a) Athanasius Nikitin
(b) Francis Iyer
(c) Dminican Edward
(d) Nicholas
Answer: (a) Athanasius Nikitin
Q131. Who helped Krishnadevaraya in his battle of Raichur against Bijapur Sultan
(a) Bahmini Sultan
(b) Portugese
(c) British
(d) Maratha
Answer: (b) Portugese
Q132. Out of the following, who plundered Delhi and carried away the Koh-i-Noor diamond
(a) Babur
(b) Timur
(c) Ahmad Shah Durrani
(d) Nader Shah
Answer: (d) Nader Shah
Q133. When did Vasco da Gama discover the sea route from Europe to India
(a) 1497
(b) 1498
(c) 1499
(d) 1502
Answer: (b) 1498
Q134. The Greek envoy Dionysius came to India as ambassador to
(a) Dhana Nanda
(b) Bindusara
(c) Ashoka
(d) Chandragupta Maurya
Answer: (c) Ashoka
Q135. Ziauddin Barani was a political thinker during which Delhi Sultanate dynasty
(a) Tughlaq dynasty
(b) Khalji dynasty
(c) Mamluk dynasty
(d) Sayyid dynasty
Answer: (a) Tughlaq dynasty
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