Political Science GK Question
Q31. Which model of pressure group politics emphasises on dispersal of power and democratic accountability
(a) Corporatism
(b) New Right
(c) Pluralism
(d) New Left
Answer: (c) Pluralism
Q32. Permanent Revolution was propounded by
(a) Engels
(b) Lenin
(c) Trotsky
(d) Marx
Answer: (c) Trotsky
Q33. "Physiocrats" were:
(a) French Economists
(b) Russian Proletarians
(c) German Nazis
(d) Dutch Physicists
Answer: (a) French Economists
Q34. Who among the following defines the Constitution as "The Autobiography of a Power Relationship"
(a) Lord Bryce
(b) Marriot
(c) Schwarzen Berger
(d) H. E. Finar
Answer: (d) H. E. Finar
Q35. Who among the following advocated the ‘Relative Autonomy’ of the Capitalist State
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Nicos Poulantzas
(c) V.I. Lenin
(d) Leon Trosky
Answer: (b) Nicos Poulantzas
Q36. Who among the following advocated the theory of Natural Rights
(a) Hobbes
(b) Locke
(c) Rousseau
(d) Machiavelli
Answer: (b) Locke
Q37. Who said that “State is the March of God on earth”
(a) Kant
(b) Augustine
(c) Karl Marx
(d) Hegel
Answer: (d) Hegel
Q38. Who takes ‘primary goods’ as the yardstic for equality
(a) Dworkin
(b) Laski
(c) Rawls
(d) Friedman
Answer: (c) Rawls
Q39. Whose concept of Justice was based on functional specialisation
(a) Plato
(b) Aristotle
(c) Rawls
(d) Bentham
Answer: (a) Plato
Q40. The theory of Separation of Power is propounded by
(a) Montesquieu
(b) Rousseau
(c) Maitland
(d) Plato
Answer: (a) Montesquieu
Q41. Who said "Family is the First School of Social Life"
(a) Plato
(b) Aristotle
(c) Bodin
(d) Sophists
Answer: (b) Aristotle
Q42. Materialistic interpretation of history was analyzed by
(a) Hegal
(b) T H Green
(c) Kant
(d) Marx
Answer: (d) Marx
Q43. Who among the following is considered as the modern political thinker
(a) Socrates
(b) Sophists
(c) Machiavelli
(d) Plato
Answer: (c) Machiavelli
Q44. Who among the following is associated with the revival of Political Theory
(a) David Easton
(b) Lucian Pai
(c) Sydney Verba
(d) Voegelin
Answer: (d) Voegelin
Q45. Which of the following is an example of unwritten constitution
(a) England
(b) France
(c) Japan
(d) Saudi Arabia
Answer: (d) Saudi Arabia
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