Psychology Questions Answers

Q1. Who is the first man to define Psychology
(a) William James
(b) Wilhelm Wundt
(c) Alfred Adler
(d) William McDougall

Q2. The third dimension of space is
(a) length
(b) breadth
(c) depth
(d) solidity

Q3. Who is the founder of cognitive theory of emotion
(a) Lazarus
(b) Lindsley
(c) Solomon
(d) Schachter-Singer

Q4. The major area of Gestalt Psychology is
(a) Perception
(b) Learning
(c) Motivation
(d) Sensation

Q5. Who has developed Inkblot test of personality
(a) Murray
(b) Rorschach
(c) Galton
(d) Moreno

Q6. Perception of movement is called
(a) Stereopsis
(b) Phi phenomenon
(c) Depth constancy
(d) Size constancy

Q7. When anxiety is unrelated to any known realistic factor, it is called
(a) free ­ floating anxiety
(b) panic
(c) a phobia
(d) depression

Q8. Which Psychologist gave more importance to insight learning
(a) Maslow
(b) Thorndike
(c) Rogers
(d) Kohler

Q9. Who has given the concept of "General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)"
(a) Moos
(b) Wolpe
(c) Lazarus
(d) Selye

Q10. The chief characteristic of neuroses is
(a) depression
(b) anxiety
(c) tension
(d) worry

Q11. Writing "Gratitude Diary" is part of __________
(a) Positive psychology
(b) Psychotherapy
(c) Humanistic psychology
(d) Counselling

Q12. Physiological theory of perception is associated with
(a) Hebb
(b) Lashley
(c) Von Senden
(d) Broca

Q13. The author of famous book on "Authentic Happiness" is
(a) Peterson
(b) Sheldon
(c) Seligman
(d) Fredrickson

Q14. Historically, the term positive psychology was coined by
(a) Martin Saligman
(b) Rick Snyder
(c) Ed Diner
(d) Abraham Maslow

Q15. Drive reduction theory of learning is given by
(a) Maslow
(b) Hull
(c) Murray
(d) Herzberg

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