World History Question Answer
Q76. George Washington defeated the British Army led by Lord Cornwallis in 1781 at
(A) Sandy Hook
(B) York Town
(C) Gravesend Bay
(D) Saratoga
Answer: (B) York Town
Q77. Who said “History is essentially the record of the life of men in societies in their geographical and their physical environments".
(A) Ben Elton
(B) G R Elton
(C) A L Rowse
(D) Winston Churchill
Answer: (C) A L Rowse
Q78. Which Latin American revolutionary leader known as "the Liberator"
(A) Simon Boliver
(B) Ezequiel Zamora
(C) Francisco de Miranda
(D) Jose San Martin
Answer: (A) Simon Boliver
Q79. Which French Military officer fought in American War of Independence
(A) Thomas Jefferson
(B) Lafayette
(C) George Washington
(D) Thomas Paine
Answer: (B) Lafayette
Q80. Who is known as the father of Humanism
(A) Dante
(B) Petrarch
(C) Vergil
(D) Geoffrey Chaucer
Answer: (B) Petrarch
Q81. The Fascist Party in Italy was founded at
(A) Rome
(B) Milan
(C) Genoa
(D) Naples
Answer: (A) Rome
Q82. Who introduced the concept of Dollar Diplomacy
(A) T.R. Roosevelt
(B) F.D. Roosevelt
(C) William Taft
(D) Woodrow Wilson
Answer: (C) William Taft
Q83. The term “Industrial Revolution” was coined by
(A) Andrew Johnson
(B) Adam Smith
(C) Auguste Blanqui
(D) Blavasky
Answer: (C) Auguste Blanqui
Q84. The philosopher turned emperor of Rome is
(A) Augustus
(B) Marcus
(C) Constantine
(D) Marcus Aurelius
Answer: (D) Marcus Aurelius
Q85. The Crusades started in 1095 AD with the meeting of the Great Council of Clermont under Pope
(A) Alexander II
(B) Clement
(C) John II
(D) Urban II
Answer: (D) Urban II
Q86. ‘The Mesopotamian Civilization’ was flourished along the banks of rivers
(A) Missouri-Mississippi
(B) Euphrates-Tigres
(C) Hoyang Ho-Yang-Tse
(D) Blue Nile-White Nile
Answer: (B) Euphrates-Tigres
Q87. The Treaty of Portsmouth in 1905 was signed between
(A) England and France
(B) England and China
(C) France and China
(D) Russia and Japan
Answer: (D) Russia and Japan
Q88. ‘Bloody Sunday’ is related to which event in world history
(A) Russian Revolution of 1905
(B) October Revolution
(C) July Revolution
(D) American war of Independence
Answer: (A) Russian Revolution of 1905
Q89. 'Tennis Court Oath' was related to which revolution
(A) American Revolution
(B) October Revolution
(C) French Revolution
(D) Russian Revolution
Answer: (C) French Revolution
Q90. Name of the soldier related to the historic battle of Marathon and Marathon race in Olympic games
(A) Polydamas
(B) Philippides
(C) Phidias
(D) Horace
Answer: (B) Philippides
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