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Q181. Which of the following elements is essential for the transmission of nerve impulses in nerve fibers of human body
(a) Calcium
(b) Sodium
(c) Iron
(d) Zinc
Answer: (b) Sodium
Q182. Alcohol contains
(a) nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen
(b) carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
(c) oxygen, carbon, nitrogen
(d) hydrogen, chlorine, oxygen
Answer: (b) carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
Q183. The element common to all acids is
(a) Oxygen
(b) Sulphur
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Hydrogen
Answer: (d) Hydrogen
Q184. The colour of sky without atmosphere will be
(a) Black
(b) Blue
(c) White
(d) Green
Answer: (a) Black
Q185. LASER is the abbreviated form of
(a) Light Absorption by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
(b) Light Absorption by Steady Emission of Radiation
(c) Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
(d) Light Amplification by Steady Emission of Radiation
Answer: (c) Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
Q186. Opium is derived from which part of poppy plant
(a) Seeds
(b) Leaves
(c) Bark
(d) Capsule
Answer: (a) Seeds
Q187. What is the rarest blood type in the world
(a) A
(b) O+
(c) AB-
(d) B
Answer: (c) AB-
Q188. Which one is the first exclusive meteorological satellite built by ISRO
(a) IRS 1A
(b) INSAT 1D
Answer: (c) KALPANA-1
Q189. The "Glonass" is the navigation system of
(a) USA
(b) China
(c) Germany
(d) Russia
Answer: (d) Russia
Q190. The age of a tree is determined by
(a) number of leaves
(b) number of branches
(c) annual rings
(d) height of the tree
Answer: (c) annual rings
Q191. The planet which rotates in the opposite direction of its revolution is
(a) Mercury
(b) Jupiter
(c) Earth
(d) Venus
Answer: (d) Venus
Q192. The planet which rotates in the opposite direction of its revolution is
(a) Mercury
(b) Jupiter
(c) Earth
(d) Venus
Answer: (d) Venus
Q193. Which one of the following can respire in total absence of air
(a) Amoeba
(b) Bed bug
(c) Tapeworm
(d) Hydra
Answer: (c) Tapeworm
Q194. When detergent is mixed with water, the dirt from clothes is easily removed. This is due to
(a) Pressure
(b) Viscosity
(c) Force
(d) Surface tension
Answer: (d) Surface tension
Q195. Which of the following disease spreads due to the contamination of drinking water and milk
(a) Scurvy
(b) Malaria
(c) Dengue
(d) Typhoid
Answer: (d) Typhoid
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