Choose Incorrect part....

In the following questions, choose the part grammatically incorrect from the sentence

Q16. Our principal is the man of principles.
(a) Our principal
(b) is
(c) the man
(d) of principles.

Q17. Summer is a hot season but summer of last year was very hot.
(a) Summer is a hot season
(b) but summer
(c) of last year
(d) was very hot.

Q18. The Police would not allow anyone to enter into the hall.
(a) The Police
(b) would not allow
(c) anyone to enter
(d) into the hall.

Q19. He came on a very interesting advertisement in the newspaper.
(a) He came on
(b) a very interesting
(c) advertisement
(d) in the newspaper.

Q20. When she parted with her parents there were tears in her eyes.
(a) When she parted
(b) with her parents
(c) there were tears
(d) in her eyes.

Q21. The division of their father's assets proved an apple of discord among the two brothers.
(a) The division of their
(b) father's assets
(c) proved an apple of discord
(d) among the two brothers.

Q22. Much of your success and prosperity in life depend upon your own efforts.
(a) Much of your success
(b) and prosperity in life
(c) depend upon
(d) your own efforts.

Q23. Because it rained in torrents therefore there were heavy floods.
(a) Because it rained
(b) in torrents
(c) therefore
(d) there were heavy floods.

Q24. Though she is weak she was active.
(a) Though
(b) she is
(c) weak
(d) she was active.

Q25. He is confident on his success.
(a) He
(b) is
(c) confident on
(d) his success.

Q26. Iron is useful than any other metal.
(a) Iron
(b) is
(c) useful than
(d) any other metal.

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