Education Questions Answers
Q1. The word "Education" is derived from the Latin word "educere", which means
(a) to bring up
(b) to lead out
(c) to nourish
(d) to put in
Answer: (b) to lead out
Q2. The book "Deschooling Society" is written by
(a) Althusser
(b) Passrron
(c) Bowles
(d) Ivan Illich
Answer: (d) Ivan Illich
Q3. Who said "Education is that which makes a man of good character and useful to the society."
(a) Kautilya
(b) Yajnavalkya
(c) Panini
(d) Guru Nanak
Answer: (b) Yajnavalkya
Q4. Which is not the characteristic of modernisation in Education
(a) Psychic mobility
(b) Clarity of aims
(c) Higher level of technology
(d) Individuality
Answer: (d) Individuality
Q5. Who developed the "downward filtration theory"
(a) Lord Macaulay
(b) Charles Wood
(c) Lord Curzon
(d) William Bentinck
Answer: (a) Lord Macaulay
Q6. The neighbourhood school concept was advocated by the
(a) Kothari Commission
(b) Phukan Commission
(c) Kalelkar Commission
(d) U.C. Banerjee Commission
Answer: (a) Kothari Commission
Q7. "Intelligence Quotient" was developed by
(a) Hull
(b) Wundt
(c) Terman
(d) Freud
Answer: (c) Terman
Q8. Premature withdrawal of children from school at any stage is
(a) dropout
(b) wastage
(c) stagnation
(d) detention
Answer: (b) wastage
Q9. The inventor of contiguous conditioning theory of learning is
(a) Horton
(b) Garton
(c) Mandal
(d) Edwin Ray Guthrie
Answer: (d) Edwin Ray Guthrie
Q10. Who defined emotion as moved or stirred up state of the individual
(a) William James
(b) Woodworth
(c) C.W. Trow
(d) James Drever
Answer: (b) Woodworth
Q11. Learning is a sort of behavioural
(a) Modification
(b) Withdrawal
(c) Continuation
(d) Extension
Answer: (a) Modification
Q12. The three sources of knowledge are discussed in
(a) Axiology
(b) Ontology
(c) Pedagogy
(d) Epistemology
Answer: (d) Epistemology
Q13. Who is the author of the book ‘‘A Vindication of the Rights of Woman’’
(a) John Locke
(b) Nel Noddings
(c) Paulo Freire
(d) Mary Wollstonecraft
Answer: (d) Mary Wollstonecraft
Q14. The main founder of existentialism is
(a) William James
(b) John Ruskin
(c) Soren Kierkegaard
(d) John Dewey
Answer: (c) Soren Kierkegaard
Q15. The concept of ‘Education for caring’ was propounded by
(a) Paulo Freire
(b) Nel Noddings
(c) Aurobindo
(d) Mary Wollstonecraft
Answer: (b) Nel Noddings
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