Geology Quiz
Q16. Which one is not a rock types sedimentary, metamorphic and __________
(A) Igneous
(B) Sedimentary
(C) Metamorphic
(D) Geomorphic
Answer: (D) Geomorphic
Q17. What is the temparature of the inner core of the Earth
(A) Approximately 4500 K
(B) Approximately 5700 K
(C) Approximately 6200 K
(D) Approximately 6800 K
Answer: (B) Approximately 5700 K
Q18. Which one is the last Supercontinent (single landmass of continents) in Earth surface
(A) Rodinia
(B) Pannotia
(C) Pangaea
(D) Pliocene
Answer: (C) Pangaea
Q19. In which year the continental drift theory was proposed by Alfred Wegener
(A) 1905
(B) 1910
(C) 1912
(D) 1915
Answer: (C) 1912
Q20. Cerussite is a mineral of
(A) Lead carbonate
(B) Barium carbonate
(C) Copper carbonate
(D) Zinc silicate
Answer: (A) Lead carbonate
Q21. Parrot coal is a variety of
(A) Lignite
(B) Anthracite
(C) Peat
(D) Bituminous Coal
Answer: (D) Bituminous Coal
Q22. Aluminium ores are called
(A) Cryolite
(B) Bauxite
(C) Gibbsite
(D) All
Answer: (B) Bauxite
Q23. Who is known as the "father of Crystallography"
(A) Hauy
(B) N Steno
(C) F C Philips
(D) R Hooke
Answer: (A) Hauy
Q24. The basic and fundamental unit of Lithostratigraphic classification is
(A) Supergroup
(B) Group
(C) Formation
(D) Member
Answer: (C) Formation
Q25. The matrix of packstone is
(A) Sand
(B) Silt
(C) Mud
(D) Clay
Answer: (C) Mud
Q26. The sediment produced by chemical weathering of granite is commonly knwon as
(A) Cobble
(B) Sand
(C) Silt
(D) Clay
Answer: (D) Clay
Q27. Thickness of Mantle is
(A) 1,900 Km
(B) 2,500 Km
(C) 2,900 Km
(D) 3,500 Km
Answer: (C) 2,900 Km
Q28. Pitchblende is an important ore of
(A) Zinc
(B) Copper
(C) Titanium
(D) Uranium
Answer: (D) Uranium
Q29. Geometric centre of the Aerial Photograph is called
(A) Principal point
(B) Over lap
(C) Photo scale
(D) Mosaic
Answer: (A) Principal point
Q30. Description and interpretation of Landforms is called as
(A) Geomagnetism
(B) Geomorphology
(C) Geophysics
(D) Geodynamics
Answer: (B) Geomorphology
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