Biology GK Question
Q106. The embryo with blastopore is called
(a) Morula
(b) Blastula
(c) Gastrula
(d) Tadpole
Answer: (c) Gastrula
Q107. Bacteria are classified in the kingdom
(a) Animalia
(b) Fungi
(c) Monera
(d) Protista
Answer: (c) Monera
Q108. Chlorophyll a+c are found in
(a) Rhodophyceae
(b) Phaeophyceae
(c) Chlorophyceae
(d) Cyanophyceae
Answer: (b) Phaeophyceae
Q109. Which part of human eye controls the amount of light entering the eye
(a) Pupil
(b) Iris
(c) Cornea
(d) Retina
Answer: (a) Pupil
Q110. Which one is a fresh water sponge
(a) Sycon
(b) Glass rope sponge
(c) Euspongia
(d) Spongilla
Answer: (d) Spongilla
Q111. Which one is a fresh water sponge
(a) Sycon
(b) Glass rope sponge
(c) Euspongia
(d) Spongilla
Answer: (d) Spongilla
Q112. Enterogastrone is secreted by
(a) Ileum
(b) Stomach
(c) Liver
(d) Duodenum
Answer: (d) Duodenum
Q113. DNA fingerprinting technique was developed by
(a) Alec Jeffreys
(b) Edwin Southern
(c) Har Gobind Khorana
(d) Robert W. Holley
Answer: (d) Duodenum
Q114. Foramen of panizza is found in the heart of
(a) Crocodiles
(b) Squamates
(c) Chelonia
(d) All reptiles
Answer: (a) Crocodiles
Q115. Amoeba proteus was discovered by
(a) Gerald Durrell
(b) William Bullock
(c) Johann Rösel von Rosenhof
(d) Paul Émile de Puydt
Answer: (c) Johann Rösel von Rosenhof
Q116. Who coined the term biocoenosis
(a) G Evelyn Hutchinson
(b) Charles Elton
(c) Karl Mobius
(d) Paul Émile de Puydt
Answer: (c) Karl Mobius
Q117. The osteon or haversian system can be found in
(a) Bone
(b) Cartilage
(c) Nervous tissue
(d) Brain
Answer: (a) Bone
Q118. How many characters were studied by Mendel in the experiments on peas
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 7
Answer: (d) 7
Q119. Spiders produce silken threads using
(a) Salivary glands
(b) Coxal glands
(c) Spinneret gland
(d) Parotid gland
Answer: (c) Spinneret gland
Q120. Prokaryotes have ______S ribosomes
(a) 30
(b) 50
(c) 60
(d) 70
Answer: (d) 70
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