Computer Science Quiz
Q136. Which type of processing speed measurement is used primarily with supercomputer
(a) Gigahertz
(b) MIPS
(c) Flops
(d) Nacron
Answer: (c) Flops
Q137. 802.11 describes ___________ networks
(a) Coaxial
(b) Wireless
(c) Fiber Optic
(d) Copper
Answer: (b) Wireless
Q138. Saving a file from the Internet onto your desktop is called
(a) Downloading
(b) Uploading
(c) Transfering
(d) Storing
Answer: (a) Downloading
Q139. The ____________ protect systems from hackers
(a) Antivirus
(b) Backup
(c) Hard disk
(d) Firewall
Answer: (d) Firewall
Q140. Errors in computer programmes are called
(a) Follies
(b) Mistake
(c) Bugs
(d) Spam
Answer: (c) Bugs
Q141. Which American Computer Company is also known by the nick name "Big Blue"
(a) Microsoft
(b) Apple
(c) Compaq Corporation
(d) IBM
Answer: (d) IBM
Q142. Who invented mail system and @ symbol for addresses
(a) Ian Murdock
(b) David Bowie
(c) Paul Buchheit
(d) Raymond Samuel Tomlinson
Answer: (d) Raymond Samuel Tomlinson
Q143. What is the full form of Li-Fi network
(a) Light Fidelity
(b) Laser Frequency
(c) Limitless Finite
(d) Light Field
Answer: (a) Light Fidelity
Q144. With reference to computer network, the exact meaning of the term VPN is
(a) Virtual Protected Network
(b) Virus Protected Network
(c) Virus Proof Network
(d) Virtual Private Network
Answer: (d) Virtual Private Network
Q145. Who is considered as the father of computing
(a) Claude Shannon
(b) Charles Babbage
(c) Von Neumann
(d) Graham Bell
Answer: (b) Charles Babbage
Q146. USB Hard disk is a ________ type of storage device
(a) Primary
(b) Secondary
(c) Tertiary
(d) Auxillary
Answer: (b) Secondary
Q147. An online discussion group that allows direct "live" communication is known as
(a) Webcrawler
(b) Chat group
(c) Hyperlink
(d) E-mail
Answer: (b) Chat group
Q148. Connection or link to other documents or Web Pages that contain related information is called
(a) Dial-up
(b) Electronic Commerce
(c) Hyperlink
(d) E-cash
Answer: (c) Hyperlink
Q149. Who is known as the Father of SMS
(a) Samir Bhatia
(b) Anuj Gupta
(c) Matti Makkonen
(d) Thomas Kurian
Answer: (c) Matti Makkonen
Q150. 'IoT' refers to
(a) Internet of Things
(b) Intranet of Teleservices
(c) International Organisation of Teleservices
(d) Internet Organisation of Telecommunication
Answer: (a) Internet of Things
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