General Science - Question Answer

Q121. Which is the low density planet then the water density from the following
(a) Saturn
(b) Mercury
(c) Venus
(d) Jupiter

Q122. Who is considered as "Father of DNA barcoding"
(a) Smith
(b) Chrispeels
(c) Paul Hebert
(d) Gartner

Q123. Which alcohol is also known as ‘wood spirit’
(a) Methanol
(b) Propanol
(c) Glycerol
(d) Ethanol

Q124. Plants with weak stems that cannot stand upright and spread on the ground are called
(a) Creepers
(b) Climbers
(c) Wipers
(d) Stripers

Q125. Which element is always present in organic compounds
(a) Hydrogen
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Carbon
(d) Sulphur

Q126. The fastest supercomputer in the world “Summit” belongs to which country
(a) United States
(b) China
(c) Russia
(d) Japan

Q127. Who is also known as "Father of Fiber Optics"
(a) Samuel Cohen
(b) T.H. Maimah
(c) Percy L Spencer
(d) Narinder Singh Kapany

Q128. The science of human settlement is termed as
(a) Ecumene
(b) Edaphology
(c) Ekistics
(d) Chorology

Q129. Which acid is not kept in glass bottles
(a) HF
(b) HCl
(c) HBr
(d) HI

Q130. What is the chemical name of the popular pesticide "gammaxene"
(a) DDT
(b) EDTA
(c) Phthalate
(d) Benzene Hexachloride

Q131. Molisch test is used for the identification of
(a) amino acid
(b) protein
(c) carbohydrate
(d) nucleic acid

Q132. When days and nights are of equal length on sept.23, this position is known as
(a) Equinox
(b) Occluded
(c) Veering
(d) None of the above

Q133. Which elements do all organic molecules contain
(a) Hydrogen and Carbon
(b) Hydrogen and Oxygen
(c) Carbon and Oxygen
(d) Only Oxygen

Q134. Who coined the term Biodiversity
(a) E.O. Wilson
(b) R.D. Barnes
(c) N. Myers
(d) Walter G. Rosen

Q135. Fuse wire used in electric instruments are made up of
(a) Pure zinc
(b) Pure lead
(c) Alloy of lead and tin
(d) Alloy of lead and zinc

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