Indian History Question Answer
Q1. Who was the Military General of Ala-ud-din Khilji
(a) Malik Kafur
(b) Tejpal
(c) Ghazi Malik
(d) Alberuni
Answer: (a) Malik Kafur
Q2. Which was the Capital of Kanishka
(a) Kashmir
(b) Purusapura
(c) Pataliputra
(d) Mathura
Answer: (b) Purusapura
Q3. Who is the first recorded burial of an Englishman in India
(a) Sri Thomas Roe
(b) John Mildenhall
(c) William Hawkins
(d) John Fryer
Answer: (b) John Mildenhall
Q4. Who was not a member of the "Dickie Bird Plan"
(a) Hastings Ismay
(b) George Abell
(c) Lord Mountbatten
(d) Manlio Brosio
Answer: (d) Manlio Brosio
Q5. Who among the following Englishmen was given the title ‘English Khan’ by Jahangir
(a) Thomas Roe
(b) William Hawkins
(c) Ralf Fitch
(d) Thomas Steven
Answer: (b) William Hawkins
Q6. By whom Pataliputra was rebuilt and revived in 16th Century
(a) Humayun
(b) Shershah Suri
(c) Akbar
(d) Jahangir
Answer: (b) Shershah Suri
Q7. The rock cut temples at Ellora pertains to
(a) Jainism
(b) Hinduism
(c) Buddhism
(d) All of the above
Answer: (d) All of the above
Q8. Nicolo-de-Conti, and Italian Tourist, came to Vijayanagar during the reign of
(a) Devaraya I
(b) Devaraya II
(c) Harihara I
(d) Bukka I
Answer: (a) Devaraya I
Q9. The book "Majma ul-Bahrain" was wrote by
(a) Dara Shukoh
(b) Shah Shuja
(c) Shah Jahan
(d) Murad Bakhsh
Answer: (a) Dara Shukoh
Q10. The rulers of Vijayanagara organized Military department called Kandachara which was under the control of
(a) Nayaka
(b) Dandanayaka
(c) Palayagara
(d) Mahanayakacharya
Answer: (b) Dandanayaka
Q11. The Administrative setup to regulate the market control system introduced by Alauddin Khilji was under the purview of
(a) Diwan-I-Insha
(b) Diwan-I-Risalat
(c) Diwan-I-Riyasat
(d) Diwan-I-Arz
Answer: (c) Diwan-I-Riyasat
Q12. Kalinga was situated between the rivers of
(a) Ganga and Yamuna
(b) Mahanadi and Godavari
(c) Krishna and Godavari
(d) Narmada and Godavari
Answer: (b) Mahanadi and Godavari
Q13. Among the following which Historian called Samudra Gupta is an 'Indian Napoleon'
(a) J.S. Mill
(b) William Jones
(c) A V Smith
(d) Charles Wilkins
Answer: (c) A V Smith
Q14. The decision of Partition of Bengal was implemented on which of the following dates of 1905
(a) 28th August
(b) 16th October
(c) 30th October
(d) 12th November
Answer: (b) 16th October
Q15. Who had composed the Allahabad pillar inscription that describes the military expeditions of Samudragupta
(a) Kavi Ranna
(b) Mangalesha
(c) Lipikara Chapada
(d) Harisena
Answer: (d) Harisena
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