Sociology Questions Answers
Q1. Who define "Sociology may be defined as scientific knowledge about human relations"
(a) Ward
(b) Giddings
(c) Cuber
(d) Johnson
Answer: (c) Cuber
Q2. "The culture of a society is the way of life of its members; the collection of ideas and habits which they learn, share and transmit from generation to generation"
(a) C. Kluckhohn
(b) E. B. Taylor
(c) F. Davis
(d) R. Linton
Answer: (d) R. Linton
Q3. A primary group is characterized by
(a) blood relatioship
(b) direct cooperation
(c) intimate face-to-face association
(d) moral and ethical relationship
Answer: (c) intimate face-to-face association
Q4. Who among the following introduced the term "mores"
(a) W. G. Summer
(b) H. Hart
(c) C. Lombroso
(d) J. Piaget
Answer: (a) W. G. Summer
Q5. "Science of Society is possible", is assumed by which approach
(a) Humanist
(b) Positivist
(c) Functionalist
(d) Feminist
Answer: (b) Positivist
Q6. Who propounded the concept of "reference group"
(a) W. I. Thomas
(b) C. R. Mills
(c) W Waller
(d) H. H. Hyman
Answer: (d) H. H. Hyman
Q7. Herbert Spencer's name is associated with
(a) positivism
(b) organicism
(c) functionalism
(d) determinism
Answer: (b) organicism
Q8. Who among the following developed the sociometry method
(a) P. V. Young
(b) Karl Pearson
(c) H. M. Johnson
(d) J. L. Moreno
Answer: (d) J. L. Moreno
Q9. What is a type of marriage called when the brother of a deceased man is obliged to marry his brother's widow
(a) Levirate
(b) Sororate
(c) Adelphic polyandry
(d) Adelphic polygyny
Answer: (a) Levirate
Q10. What are the two basic features of community
(a) Heterogeneity and Integrity
(b) Proximity and Stability
(c) Homogeneity and Conflict
(d) Continuity and Change
Answer: (b) Proximity and Stability
Q11. Which is the main basis of Association according to Tonnies
(a) Social Interest
(b) Political Interest
(c) Economic Interest
(d) Cultural Interest
Answer: (c) Economic Interest
Q12. The book "Kinship Organization in India" was written by
(a) Kingsley Davis
(b) Patricia Uberoi
(c) D. N. Majumdar
(d) Iravati Karve
Answer: (d) Iravati Karve
Q13. Who among the following was/were advocate(s) of the functionalist theory of stratification
(a) E. Durkheim
(b) Kingsley Davis
(c) Ogburn and Nimkoff
(d) R. W. Murray
Answer: (b) Kingsley Davis
Q14. Which of the following concepts is associated with Thorstein Veblen's name
(a) Alienation
(b) Cultural tourism
(c) Leisure class
(d) Consumerism
Answer: (c) Leisure class
Q15. The process by which the cultural traits invented or discovered in one society spread directly or indirectly to other societies is called
(a) Cultural relativism
(b) Cultural diffusion
(c) Ethnocentrism
(d) Assimilation
Answer: (b) Cultural diffusion
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