Psychology Questions Answers

Q16. Who differentiated between inner and external speech
(a) Pavlov
(b) Chomskey
(c) Watson
(d) Vygotsky

Q17. Who wrote "Experience is the highest authority"
(a) Kurt Lewin
(b) Carl Rogers
(c) Skinner
(d) Abraham Maslow

Q18. Who gave the concept of Positive Psychological Capital
(a) Luthans
(b) Synder
(c) Carol
(d) Bandura

Q19. Ego is based on
(a) Principle of pleasure
(b) Principle of identification
(c) Principle of rationalization
(d) Principle of reality

Q20. Which of the following is usually known as "relay station"
(a) Thalamus
(b) Hypothalamus
(c) Cerebrum
(d) Occipital

Q21. Intense and prolonged exposure to the actual anxiety producing stimuli
(a) Flooding
(b) Invivo flooding
(c) Invivo exposure
(d) Social Skills Training

Q22. Intense and prolonged exposure to the actual anxiety producing stimuli
(a) Flooding
(b) Invivo flooding
(c) Invivo exposure
(d) Social Skills Training

Q23. Eustres is
(a) Positive form of stress
(b) Negative form of stress
(c) Kind of anxiety
(d) Frustration

Q24. The number of stages of psychosocial development, as described by Erikson is
(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 8
(d) 11

Q25. Positive Emotion kit was developed to counter
(a) Anxiety
(b) Depression
(c) Phobia
(d) Hysteria

Q26. The most widely used measure of central tendency is
(a) mean
(b) mode
(c) median
(d) None of the above

Q27. Who is associated with nonsense syllables
(a) Barlett
(b) Ebbinghaus
(c) Alzehimer
(d) Korsakoff

Q28. Who has given the two factor theory of Intelligence
(a) Binet
(b) Spearman
(c) Galton
(d) Thurstone

Q29. The founding father of the group guidance movement is
(a) Faraday
(b) Elton Mayo
(c) Frank Parsons
(d) Frederick Taylor

Q30. The term "Technical Eclecticism" was introduced by
(a) Lazarus
(b) Frank
(c) Egan
(d) Shostrom

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