Psychology Questions Answers
Q31. Reinforcement theory of motivation is given by
(a) Jung
(b) Herzberg
(c) Skinner
(d) Maslow
Answer: (c) Skinner
Q32. Two factor theory of motivation is given by
(a) Herzberg
(b) Maslow
(c) Alderfer
(d) Vroom
Answer: (a) Herzberg
Q33. Who has made the first intelligence test
(a) Binet
(b) Hull
(c) Simon
(d) Terman
Answer: (a) Binet
Q34. Irrational Fear from doing work is called
(a) Anxiety
(b) Nosophobia
(c) Ergophobia
(d) Hematophobia
Answer: (c) Ergophobia
Q35. According to Pavlov which is more important for learning
(a) Reinforcement
(b) Contiguity
(c) Contingency
(d) Proximity
Answer: (b) Contiguity
Q36. Kuder preference record is a test of
(a) Interest
(b) Intelligence
(c) Aptitude
(d) Personality
Answer: (a) Interest
Q37. Who has developed social distance scale
(a) Likert
(b) Bogardus
(c) Guttman
(d) Thurstone
Answer: (b) Bogardus
Q38. Lewin formulated the idea of
(a) Life space
(b) Press
(c) Dynamic lattice
(d) Group mind
Answer: (a) Life space
Q39. Social cognitive theory is given by
(a) Dollard
(b) Miller
(c) Bandura
(d) Taylor
Answer: (c) Bandura
Q40. Internal and external self control form the basis of the approach by
(a) Maslow
(b) Bandura
(c) Rotter
(d) Cattel
Answer: (c) Rotter
Q41. The term ______ covers a variety of negative moods and behaviour changes
(a) Delusional
(b) Depression
(c) Anxiety
(d) Abuse disorders
Answer: (b) Depression
Q42. Who believed that the interpretation of dreams could be an important part of Psychotherapy
(a) Rogers
(b) Allport
(c) Kurt Lewin
(d) Freud
Answer: (d) Freud
Q43. Item response theory is also called as
(a) Equation theory
(b) Latent response theory
(c) Decision theory
(d) Two-factor theory
Answer: (b) Latent response theory
Q44. Which one of the following is not a developmental norm
(a) Mental age
(b) Grade equivalent
(c) Rank
(d) Percentile
Answer: (c) Rank
Q45. The general approach followed in the construction of interest inventory was first formulated by
(a) R. P. Singh
(b) E. K. Strong
(c) R. B. Cattell
(d) H. Murray
Answer: (b) E. K. Strong
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